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other information

Gem Mine - This attraction/activity provides a place for youngsters to shift through sand and find a nice group of polished stones, tiny amethyst crystal and other samples. One FREE "bucket" of "Gem" bearing gravel is allocated for each child accompanied by an adult. Free 'bucket" tickets are provided at the ticket booth. Additional "bucket" - $1.00 each. Needless to say, there are a lot of little miners.


Hands On - This attraction/ acitvity provides all the material necessary for making one simple item of mineral derived jewelry or earth science related craft project. The first "item" is FREE for each child accompanied by an adult. One Free ticket is provided at the ticket booth.  Additional items made at the table are $1.00 each.


Exhibits - For our 40th annual show in 2015, we had the honor of hosting a lunar sample, a meteoric display and an interactive space walk suit from NASA as special exhibits.


Media Photos

Annual Show Page - Feb 22-23, 2025

Welcome to the Clear Lake Gem and Mineral Society Annual Gem Show Page.
The Clear Lake Gem, Mineral and Jewelry Show is held in late February or early March each year at the Pasadena Convention Center,
7902 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Texas , southeast of the Houston Metro area, 2.5 miles east of Beltway 8. February will be our 50th Annual Jewelry, Gem and Mineral Show at the Pasadena Convention Center.  

Admission is $7 for adults
(good for both days of the show)
Kids through 5th grade and scouts in uniform are Free.

CLICK HERE for a $1 off coupon!  And remember the ticket (and coupon) are good for both days. Show hours are Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5. And - Free parking!

Volunteer Jobs for the 2025 Show

The Show Committee has carefully selected about 45 quality dealers to bring a balanced variety of merchandise to appeal to as many people as possible and at reasonable prices. There will be tools, raw materials, and books for the hobbyist, many mineral and fossil specimens for the collector, and jewelry ranging from fun-to wear to the finest opals, diamonds and emeralds.

The show is oriented for the whole family!  Special demonstrations of lapidary work are included for the entertainment of all show patrons. Do not assume you know what is at the show for extra activities because it was 'there last year'. Due to the continuing need to upgrade and keep up with community needs, readers should check back at this web page prior to the show for the latest updates. The CLGMS is proud to provide continuing educational activities for everyone that are fun and a part of learning.

An excellent special program for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts that allows them to get first hand material that helps with Geology related merit badges is now a continuing part of every show. Trina will be there to instruct you.  In addition the CLGMS strives to present a varied amount of activities that are attractive to children.


Special Events - We have scheduled a special demonstration by The Dinosaur Guy.
Some years we also have the Rock Food Table.

* * * * * * * * GRAND PRIZE AND DOOR PRIZES * * * * * * * *

GRAND PRIZE: The Grand Prize Drawing will be held at 4:30 PM, Sunday during the show. You need not be present to win. This is the Grand Prize for 2025:


Door Prizes:

Door Prizes are drawn every hour for items contributed by the show dealers. Stop by and thank them if you win!

For those on the way to our show, we have provided a map showing the location.

Rock and Gem Show Map